Amuse Bake Shop is a custom bakery making delicious treats for the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex.  I would love to be a part of your wedding, bridal shower, baby shower, birthday party, or other event!

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Cookie Scoops

If you have a lot of cookies to bake and you want them all to be uniform and perfect, here’s the perfect tool for the job – a portion scoop or disher!  They may look like they’re only for ice cream, but these babies dish out the perfect amount of whatever you need every time.  I use lots of different sizes depending on what I’m making – cookies, mini muffins, cupcakes, etc.  They are named according the number of scoops they will get out of one quart, from the smallest on the left which is a “100” to the larger on the right which is a “40”.  The middle is a “60” which is just about a tablespoon. You can also call them baby bear, mama bear, and papa bear for the size cookie they produce.

I like to portion my cookies ahead of time and refrigerate so they’re ready to bake up fresh when I need them!  Perfection!

Cookie dough freezes great, so stick your extra cookie dough balls into baggies for the freezer.  Just let them thaw on your baking sheet as your oven preheats and you’ll have practically instant fresh baked cookies any time you want.  One dozen “100” cookie balls just happens to fit perfectly inside a snack size ziploc bag.

You can find portion scoops on Amazon, Webstuarant Store, or at Ace Mart locally.


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